Today, I finished building the supports for my raised bed.
I lined the bottom with landscaping fabric, and cardboard (covering the existing gravel).
Then, I added about 10 grocery bags of seaweed that I collected from the beach. I didn't rinse it at all.
Next, I had a box of empty Thai Coconut shells, already starting to decompose. I added these thinking that they may help keep it moist longer, and give the roots little pockets of water to reach for. We'll see how that works.
Next, I added a pickup truck full of mulch. They just redid the playground at Paradise Beach, and they replaced the mulch. The old mulch is composting nicely over in the parking lot, and the guys said I could take as much as I want. That is what I am using for the bulk of my soil. I guess I have to figure out the pH, and see if I need to adjust it. I wonder if I can just use the litmus papers from my son's science kit... Hmmm.
So far so good. Its still a couple inches from the top of my supports. And it should sink even more once that seaweed decomposes.... What should I layer on top of this?
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